Hello and welcome to our brand new teacher friends FIRST grade blog! I am Tammy Klinger and I have been blogging for a short time. My first blog First Grade and First Posts was my first attempt. I started it because of the two writing teachers and their great blog. I loved their “slice on life” and I wanted to join along, so First Grade and Fence Posts was born. I Then started noticing all the other really “cute” informative blogs out in cyber land and decided I wanted to do more! So… Klinger Café was created. I spent the summer blog stalking and posting on both blogs as much I could, but still felt something was missing…
Jump ahead to the end of summer, getting back into the swing of the school year, and back in touch with my bestest teaching buddy B. Klinger. The more we talked the more we realized we both had spent the summer stalking all these wonderful blogs. We finally got our stuff together; got in touch with the best blog designer EVER –McKenna at Project Three Designs, and WA-LA here we are “Camping Out in First Grade."
Barbara (better known as B. Klinger to the kiddos in 1st grade) and I both teach first grade in a small rural school in Oklahoma. And now we are blogging together on a small BLOG in Oklahoma!
My first year teaching B. was teaching 4th grade. I taught Pre-Kindergarten in the mornings and 4th grade next to B. in the afternoon. Although our husbands were distant cousins, and we had the same last names, I only knew B. as my son’s 4th grade teacher two years before. She had left a huge impression on him, and I soon discovered why. We became fast/best friends. She is an inspiration, an amazing teacher and a friend most of us just dream of having.
The next year I moved into my first grade spot and have been there ever since. I loved first grade but missed my teaching buddy. Our schedules were too different to spend too many lunches or recesses chatting. Lucky for me my daughter was soon in 4th grade and had the best teacher in school. Even to this day when my adult children are asked who their favorite teacher was the answer is swift and sure-Mrs. B. Klinger.
Jump ahead a few years again and alas I have converted B. to primary and we are teaching buddies once again! For the last four years we have been B. and T. Klinger FIRST GRADE TEACHERS!
I have been very blessed to have the nicest, sweetest, most inspiring, faithful, and generous teaching partner. And now we are BLOGGING partners!
Welcome to Camping Out in First Grade where we hope you will find our posts full of- learning, ideas, thoughts, and fun all wrapped up in a small blog made from friendship in Oklahoma!